Thursday, May 16, 2013

2-313 - Twitter

Students of class 2-313,
Yesterday we did our first lesson about Twitter and how to post a tweet. Today we did a quick review.

I would like you to comment with answers to a few questions. This is a bit of a quiz on some of the terms we learned yesterday as well as a personal reflection.

Here are the questions (the first 6 are short answer, the last 2 are extended response)...

  1. what is the # symbol called?
  2. if you are tweeting for the lab what # will you always use?
  3. what are the 3 PS10 #s?
  4. how many characters can a tweet be?
  5. do pictures count as characters?
  6. what is the Computer Lab Twitter name?
  7. what do you think about Twitter?
  8. what are your thoughts about instantly publishing your work to the world?

Please answer all the questions. You are allowed to answer 1-6 as simple, short, responses. 7 & 8 need more detail in full & complete sentences.

We will review all the questions and answers, as well as all proper tweeting procedures once everyone has commented.

Thank you!

Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.


IsaiahP said...

I think twitter is cool, because you puplish your work to the world.

Muhammad.U said...

I didn't remenber I didn't hearing well to Mr. casal

NathanielV said...

It's called a hashtag. The st. St,sw,bs.140. Yes. P. S. 10tech. I like it. I don't like it because you have to be very careful.

Bryant Casillo said...

i really like how you like put ps 10 twitter because like i love when you turn on the iPad and it goes on the smart board it looks cool i really like ps 10 twitter its fun I'm not just saying to not fulling around twitter ps 10 i like it but its not for fulling around i know that

Cori A said...

The symbol is called a hash tag. You always have to so it to Mr. Casal before you put it on twitter. You can have 140 characters. Pictures do count as characters. I forgot what the computer lab twitter name was. I think that twitter is fancy. My thoughts about instantly publishing my work to the wold is I think its cool.

Muhamad.U said...

I remember some thing on the writing I know how to do the blog

LukeB said...

I don't remember
SW ST I don't remember
I think it's cool because the whole world can see my work.
I think it's awesome because my work is now famous

Sandy S said...

I was not paying attention because I was trying to log in. I do not know the answer to any of these questions.

NathanielV said...

It was hard for me to answer the questions.

AveryC said...

I dont remember your initial P. S.10st I forgot 2 140 yes I don't remember its awesome because my mom and dad can see I don't no.

VioletT said...

I don't remmer hearing Mr Casal say it

FrancescaE said...

Hi I am Francesca from class 2-313.
The symbol a hash tag. You will use ps10st. The three P. S. 10 hash tags are ps10 st#, sw# 10#. Tweets can be 140 characters long. Yes, pictures do count as characters. The computer lab twitter name is www.twitter/ I think twitter is cool but I am not so interested because I don't like to publish my work to the world. I don't like to publish my work to the world because people I don't know can look at it.

BrandonS said...

I think it is cool to twitter

Luke W said...

The symbol is called a hashtag. I would use the st hashtag. One is the st hashtag and the other one is the sw hashtag and the last one I forgot. A tweet can only be 140 characters. I forgot what the Computer Lab Twitter name was. I think twitter is cool because we can write stuff then post it. I think posting your work to the world is cool because now everybody sees your work.

Evelin H said...

the symbol called is hash tag. I don't know any of the other questions.

MicahL said...

The symbol is called a hash tag. Your initial's. ps10st ps10sw. You can do 140 characters.yes. I do not know.I do not like Twitter but I would tweet. I do not like it.

NathanielV said...

I was really trying my best

IsaiahP said...

a hash tab. #PS10st.#PS10BK,#PS10st,#PS10sw.140.Yes.I forgot.I think its awesome Because you publish work to the world.good because everyone sees your work.

Violet said...

i think titter is cool and fun.

Cal R said...

the# symbol is called a hash tag. You will use PS10#st. The three PS10#s are st, sw and bk.A tweet can be up to 140 characters. Yes a picture can use up to 35 characters. The computer lab twitter name is PS10 Technology. I think twitter is the best invention ever right after TV! I ilk when my work instantly gets published to the world.

DoraS said...

It is called a hashtag. I don't really feel good about publishing my work to the world because if I make a mistake I can't fix it. A tweet can be only 140 characters long. Yes pictures do count as characters.

AsherD said...

it is called a hash tab ps10sw ps10sb ps10st 140 yes they usually are 28 ps10tch not so cool because once you press tweet you never get to edit again not cool because everybody can change your work

kaithlyn A. said...

The symbol is called a hashtag. You will always need to use the ps10st. ps10sw ps10bk ps10st.A tweet has to be 140 characters.Yes because it exists.It is called ps10 tech.I think it is kind of boring because you don't get to get to do any thing.I don't like it because you sometime are kind of like you are nerves.

Kayla B said...

I did not hear Mr. Casal.

Dania.E said...

the simbl is a hash tag I will do tipping tweeting the symbol called search

AdrianV said...

The # is a hashtag. The hashtag you will always use is #ps10st. the 3 hashtags are #ps10st #ps10bk #ps10sw.Tweets can be 140 characters. Yes pictures count. The name is P. S. 10 tech. Twitter is cool because you get to publish to the world. I think publishing to the world is very cool.