Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2-312 - Twitter

Students of class 2-312,
Last week we did our first lesson about Twitter and how to post a tweet. Today we did a quick review.

I would like you to comment with answers to a few questions. This is a bit of a quiz on some of the terms we learned last week as well as a personal reflection.

Here are the questions (the first 6 are short answer, the last 2 are extended response)...

  1. what is the # symbol called?
  2. if you are tweeting for the lab what # will you always use?
  3. what are the 3 PS10 #s?
  4. how many characters can a tweet be?
  5. do pictures count as characters?
  6. what is the Computer Lab Twitter name?
  7. what do you think about Twitter?
  8. what are your thoughts about instantly publishing your work to the world?

Please answer all the questions. You are allowed to answer 1-6 as simple, short, responses. 7 & 8 need more detail in full & complete sentences.

We will review all the questions and answers, as well as all proper tweeting procedures once everyone has commented.

Thank you!

Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.


clementine k said...

i dont know the two first queshteans. because i don't think they make seents
3.ps.10st ps.10b ps.10st
5. yes
6.ps.10 teck
7.I like it but I don't love it
8.I dont like it

margot l said...

1. hachtag
3.#ps10st,#ps10sw I can only remember 2
4.109 I think. I am not sure cause I could not hear well
5. yes
6. ps10tech
7. I am not sure because there are some things I like and some things I don't like.
8. I like it cause you get comments faster

muntaha said...

2.i don't know the hastag
3.ps10st Ps10sw i don't know the one
6.i don't know the name of ps10 twitter
7.I think that it is good
8.I don't know the answer

emily n said...

1.the hasa tag st or sw
3.sw ro st or bk
7.I like twitter