Friday, December 20, 2013

3rd Grade - Christmas 12/2013 - Technology & You

3rd graders, please answer these 2 questions over the Christmas Vacation....

(click "Read More" to see the questions)

  1. What was the first piece of technology you remember using?
  2. What do you think "technology" will look/be like in 5 years?

Please respond in full and complete sentences, paragraph form - double check your work before posting your comment.

Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- Comments with last names will not be published! Please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment. 

4th Grade - Christmas 12/2013 - Into the Atmosphere

Have you ever looked at the sky and just watched the clouds go by?

Have you watched the stars imagined the earth spinning?

Have you ever wanted to watch a sunset but dind't have the time?

Time lapse photography is a great way to see things in a way you haven't.

Your assignment...

Watch the time lapse video below and answer the questions underneath it.

What is time lapse you ask?
So, what exactly is Time Lapse?
According to Wikipedia, “Time-lapse photography is a cinematography technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that which will be used to play the sequence back. When replayed at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing.”
Generally, a video comprises of 24-30 frames of photos per second (called fps). At this rate, our eye is not able to identify the individual frames and we perceive them as a continuous stream of images. So when we watch a 3-minute video on YouTube, technically we have seen 24fps x 180 secs = 4320 frames or images. So, if you set the time-lapse recording for 4 seconds and record a 40-second video, the resulting time-lapse video will be of 10 seconds and thus time flies by, super fast.
In other words, why wait for 12 hours from sunrise to sunset, by using time-lapse, watch the sun set it in a matter of minutes.

Here is the video:

Here are your questions

  • What did you think about the video?
  • What did you see in the video? Describe some things that stood out to you?
    • Does time lapse give you a different perspective about what you were watching?
    • Any thoughts or comments about the idea of time lapse video/photography in general?

    Please post your answers to all 4 questions as a comment below. Remember, use full & complete sentences and check your spelling and grammar.

    Enjoy the video and have a great vacation!

    Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- 
    Comments with last names will not be published! Please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment. 

    5th Grade - Christmas 12/2013 - The possibilities of technology

    Technology provides a wide range of possibility and opportunity.

    There is possibility to create in ways previously unavailable. Opportunity to see & experience things previously out of reach. Possibility and opportunity to discover and question all the things in your world.

    The greatest power of technology is that possibility and opportunity to question what you see & find answers for yourself.

    Your assignment...

    Watch this video:

    Impressive, right?

    Question 1:

    • Do you think it is truly possible to create that drawing with only an iPad?

    Now, watch this video:

    Questions 2 & 3:

    • Does it change your thinking now that you can see his hands on the iPad?
    • Does your idea of possibility change seeing another example?

    Read this short article...
    Why the Morgan Freeman Finger Painting is Probably Not Fake

    Final Question

    • Having watched those 2 videos, and read the article, What do you think? If is possible to create something so realistic with just a finger and an iPad? 

    Please explain your answer with detail and examples from what you saw and read.

    Please post your answers to all 4 questions as a comment below. Remember, use full & complete sentences and check your spelling and grammar.

    Enjoy the video and have a great vacation!

    Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- 
    Comments with last names will not be published! Please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment. 

    Tuesday, December 3, 2013

    "Why isn't my comment posted?"

    That is a questions I get a lot.

    Students will do the homework assignment, maybe even re-post a comment multiple times, and never see it published.

    Before I get into why a comment isn't published let me remind students of the only appropriate way to sign a comment:

    • In the "Choose an Identity" field select the "Name/URL" option
    • Enter first name and last initial ONLY
      • Leave the URL field empty
    • An example of a properly signed comment is: JohnS or MikeT

    It will look like this:

    Once you "Publish Your Comment" if you have done it correctly you will see this at the top of the page:

    Please allow 24 hours for me to see review the comment. There is no need to re-post a comment within those first 24 hours. 

    Why isn't your comment published? Here are a few reasons...

    • You used your full name, including first & last, in your post
      • I will not publish any comments that include full first & last names
    • You posted as "Anonymous"
      • I can't publish a comment if I don't know who wrote it
    • You were logged in as your parent or another Google Account
      • I will not publish comments that have any name other than a student's first name & last initial
    • You put something into the URL field, turning your name into a link
      • I will not publish a comment with a linked name - leave the URL field empty

    Remember, only use first name & last initial to get your comment published!

    Please review the video tutorial here & feel free to post comments here with questions or send me an email.
