Thursday, April 5, 2012

5th Grade - Spring Break 4/2012 - The Art of Ocean Currents

Below is a video made by NASA. It shows the currents of the worlds oceans.

Many people think it reminds them of the work of the famous artist Vincent van Gogh...

... What do you think?

Your assignment:

Post a comment with:
  • What is your reaction to the video?
  • Do you see a similarity between van Gogh and the NASA video style?
  • What are your thoughts about the video?

Enjoy the video & have a great week off!

Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.


Cayden G said...

I liked the video because it showed the water currents and how they move. It was cool because all of the currents were moving together. I see a similarity between Van Gogh and NASA. They both have paint stroke type lines in them.In the Stary Night the stars and clouds look like they are being swirled like the currents in the video.

Sam D. said...

I liked the video because it showed how the ocean moves in different times.The similarity I see between the Van Gogh and NASA is that they both wre right of how the ocean is.It made me think that the swirls were whirl pools.Great Video!

Stephen W said...

I think that the NASA video was interesting because it show how water flows in the ocean. I see a similarity in van Gogh's Starry Night and the video in how the lines are flowing freely.

Gianna L. said...

I liked the video because it was cool to see how the water moves over time. The similarity I saw was the way the paints are swirled in the NASA video and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. It made me think of tsunamis and how the water is wild.

Shamiayad D said...

What my reaction to the video was that it was a great video and it descibes how NASA sees the earth. The similarity that i see between Van Gogh and NASA is that they both made some parts look like the oceans waves or a drawing of a wind that you can see. My thoughts about the video is that it is very creative and also it has alot similar things that makes it look like the actuall earth.

Jade M said...

I liked this video because it shows how the water moves over time and how it looks. The similarity about Vincent Van Gogh's famous painting "Starry Night" and the NASA video is that in the painting the waves look just like the ones in the painting.
the waves remind me of giant water spirits that are washing through a town to wash away any bad stuff or bad luck.

JaredG said...

I think the video made by NASA was interesting because I had no idea waves could actually look like that from above.The similarity I saw was that the waves look like whit streaks of paint forming a wonderful piece of art.

Tyler O. said...

I really liked the video because it showed a mixture of art and real life I thought it was amazing. I see a similarity between van Gogh and NASA what I think the similarity is the art pattern and the real life ocean current. The thoughts I had about the video was this is so awesome the way the ocean moves and how it looks like paint moving, all I had to say was wow!

Tayyub M. said...

I liked the video because it shows how the ocean moves over time. The similarity I saw was the way the water flow in circle in the NASA video and Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. It made feel like a hurricane was coming.

Marc D. said...

i liked the video because it was like getting a space eye view of earths currents.the similarity i saw was the swirls in both the nasa video and the vincent van gogh video.i was thinking i had a birds eye view of a whirlpool,tornado,hurricane and a tsunami.

Lucas P. said...

I liked the video because it shows how the ocean currents move in a very artistic way. I think it was very cool to see how the currents changed over time. I see the similarity between the video Van Gogh's work. The video contained a lot of swirls as did a lot of Van Gogh's paintings. I bet if Van Gogh painted a picture of the ocean's currents, it would look just like the video.

BriannaR. said...

Brianna R. Said...

I think the video of NASA was interesting to watch. The water was like a world pool in the bottom of the ocean, and it looked like the Sea. I think that the Van Gogh painting "Starry Night" is very similar to the NASA video because of the blue swirls and blue sea. They are both beautiful and amazing piece of work.

Jeree C. said...

I thought the video about NASA was interesting because how they see the Earth in a different way.The similarities I saw between NASA and Van Gogh were the the waves of the the water were so much alike. My thoughts about the research and video were it was made in a very creative way. It made me think about how high the waters control was. What also I was thinking about whirlpools how the waters were swirling. this assignment was the best.

Andrew Mar. said...

I liked the video because it has nice colors and designs. I saw a similarity between the van Gogh paintings and the video. The swirls were practically the same. To me it looks like NASA copied the paintings. It relates to the painting I have at home called Starry Night.

Zachary G. said...

I liked the video because it showed how the ocean currents moved and how the land separated the bodies of water. I did see a similarity between Van Gogh and the NASA video. They both have strokes that swirl. My thoughts on the NASA video are it was awesome, it was like whirlpools, tornadoes, and hurricanes were happening right before your eyes.

Sophia W said...

I enjoyed the video because it showed the land and ocean in motion from a new angle. the video reminded me of some of Van Gogh's earlier work because the small lines that looked like expressionism, whuich is the style Van Gogh used. the swirls and sciggly lines were also very commonlly used in Van Gogh's work. the color of the land and oceans were also found in many of the classic works. i think that the movie was interesting, but it could have used some commentary.

Pawel S. said...

I liked the video because it showed how the water currents move and I think that's pretty cool. I saw a similarity between Van Gogh and NASA, they both used swirling lines to show something moving. It made me think as if the lines were whirlpools.

AngelA. said...

It is so windy there are waves and land.The ocean is dark blue and the other part of the ocean is light blue.The equater is there to.

Dylan D said...

I enjoyed watching this video because it was very soothing and relaxing. The similarity I see is that the style that the NASA put the video in is similar to the painting "Starry Night."

Dylan D said...

I enjoyed this video because it was relaxing and soothing. The similarity between the Van Gogh and the NASA style is that the NASA's video looked like the painting "Starry Night."

James C. said...

I think the video was amazing because it had so many complex waves and patterns, it was like a moving work of art. It has so much swirls and spirals, they probably are whirlpools, I didn't expect there to be so many of them!
I think it relates to Vincent van Gogh because it look like the patterns of the sky in "Starry Night" it also looks like the patterns in his self-portrait.
I wonder how they shot the video because it looked like it was from Google Earth and I wonder how you even found that video!

Anonymous said...

Joshua Williams

My reaction to the video was amazement. When I clicked the bottom to make it full screen, I was amazed by the fact that I felt like I was really in space, look ing at the actual Earth.
I see a similarity between Van Gogh's painting, The Stary Night and the NASA video. The night sky is similar to the water and the trees are similar to the land.
My thoughts about the video was how the Earth moved. The way the Earth moved was weird, but then I saw the year bar and noticed that no matter how the Earth turned a year would still go by. So I guess it's ok for the Earth to rotate like that.

Kimberly M said...

I liked the video and mostly the sound was relaxing.what I liked about the video was the water i think it is cool how it moves and it is also relaxing.

Anonymous said...

Ayoub sedyame

I liked the video because it showed how water moves by itself.The siimilarity between nasa and vincent van gogh is that both people make swirls.I think that the video should have a voice to tell us what is happening

marily c said...

Marily C. said

I really like the sound is very relaxing.the water is very smooth it also reminds me about the pandas coat its so smooth

Aero M. said...

I thought that the video was need. I think this because of the way the ocean currents move around. I think that the video is similar to the painting Starry Night because the currents are like the clouds in the painting. It makes me think of how big the ocean is.

LeslieT. said...

I think it was cool because it showed how the water flows in the ocean. The similarity I saw was that they both used swirling lines to show that something is moving.It made me think of tsunamis happening.

Jaxon S. said...

My reaction to the video was amazement and curiosity.I mean,how did they do that?The similarity I see Is that the clouds look like the sky in Starry Night.My thoughts are that it's amazing how they did that video in space!

isaiah.j said...

I thought the music was very melow. I also think the video was cool because it showed the curents and the equator.The similarities I see is that they both show bold,color,rough beauty and emotional honesty

EliasR. said...

My reaction to the video was, "this video is amazing! I had absolutely no idea that the clouds and water made swirling motions!"
The awesome twisting dance reminded me of the famous Van Gogh painting 'Starry Night'. The clouds looked like strokes on the Earth, while in 'Starry Night' the paint looks like a thin fog.
My thoughts about this video are wow this is soooo cool! I'll be honest, this isn't the kind of video watch at home but, the video was pretty jaw-dropping.

Ariella O. said...

The video was interesting because it showed how the currents moved over time. I thought the way the currents moved was interesting. There were a lot of whirl pools. The similarity between the NASA video and Van Gogh's paintings is the swirls because the painting "Starry Night" has swirls and some currents in the video are swirls because the are whirl pools.

Thais Cordoba said...

The video was totally amazing!It was really cool it showed how the ocean currents moved.The video was pretty similar to Van Gogh's famous painting Starry Night.The ocean currents are similar to the sky in Starry Night. I also noticed that Van Gogh uses swirls in plenty of his thoughts on the video is "This video is totally AWESOME!!!!!!"

HenryG said...

I thought that this video was very interesting in the way that it has a lot of movement. I also realized that currents are always moving. The clouds resemble the Starry Night by Van Gogh. The music also went well with the video. It followed how gracefully everything moves. I think that Van Gogh and this video resemble each other a lot.

Anonymous said...

Ahmad R.
What my reaction to the video was amazed because it really made me think of his art.
And Van Gogh and the NASA video have a similarity .
My only thought was his art work looks exactly like that

Adrianna T. said...

My reaction to the video was that the way the earth was moving it looked like the artwork 'Starry Night' by VanGogh.
Yes. I see a similarity between VanGogh and the NASA video style was that it was VanGogh's artwork that he works on.
My thoughts about this video while I was watching it was,my thoughts about this video was tht the swirls on the earth looked like tsunami's AND it looked like the news that the news reporters put on the news!

KsenijaS said...

My reaction to the video is that it is beautiful the way the ocean moves.The similarity I see is that Van Gogh's painting style and the style of the way the ocean is painted.The similarity is that they both have a swirl pattern.I think the video is a great way to express the movement of the earth through art.

Anonymous said...

Sorry... I'm kind of late doing this. Anyway, the currents look like one of Vincent Van Gogh's work in action! The stye looks most like the clouds in "Starry Night". Do you think NASA intended to do that?


Matthew.L said...

I think the winds currents is a pattern because I saw the wind currents stay the same in some areas. I also like wind currents because I think it prvents globle warming atlaest a tad bit.

Eddie N. said...

I thought the video was interesting because of the swirling effects of the atmosphere. Yes, I saw similarities between both the video and Van Gogh paintings. He liked to create swirls. I would watch the video again as I found it mysterious with the swirls.

Dylan F said...

Dear Mr.Casal,
I was absent the day my teacher gave out the assignment and was not aware of it. Im sorry.
If you like I can have my mother write you a letter.
Anyway my reaction to the video was Wow I had no idea that clouds and water are so cool.Also the twisting dance reminded me the painting Starry Night By Van Gogh. I usually wouldn't watch this type of stuff at home but i enjoyed it.

Emmanuel B. said...

This is cool.