Do you know what a wiki is?
Click on these 2 links and read about them:
Answer these 2 questions:
1) If you were to create, or participate in, a wiki, what kind of wiki would it be (what would the topic be)?
2) What was the 1st wiki and when was it created?
Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.
1) If i were to create or participate in a wiki, the topic would be drawing. The wiki would be about information on how to draw.
2) The first Wiki Wiki was wikiwikiweb. It was developed in 1994 by Ward Cunningham.
The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository. If I created a wiki it would probably be about my school and important events.
1. If I were to participate in a wiki the topic would be wolves.
2. The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995
The first wiki was wikiwikiweb and was created in 1995 by Ward Cunningham. If I were to make a wiki, it would probably be about nature and endangered animals. It would have suggestions of things people could do to help nature.
1) If I created a wiki, it would be about book clubs with things like popular books to read, discussion starters, and how to start a book club.
2) The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1. If I were to create or participate in a wiki, the topic would be about how to learn to be a mechanic and different types of mechanic work you can apply for.
2.The first ever wiki site was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository , which now hosts thens of thousands of pages.
1) The first Wiki was in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
2) If I created a wiki I will talk about my school and how it is. I will even talk about how well the school runs.
1) The wiki I would create would be about japanse animation shows.
2)the first wiki created was in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1)If I created a wiki, it woud be about important dates of different types of places.
2)The first wiki was created for Portland Pattern Repository.
1)wiki is about life like animals 2) The first Wiki was in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1) If I were to create or participate in a wiki, it would be about the history of China.
2) The first ever wiki site was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1)If i were to create a wiki or participate in a wiki,it would be about my school and important holidays.
2) The first wiki ever created was created 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
jahaira castrejon said.......if i were to create or participate in a wiki,it would be about helping poor people who lost there homes
1)If I created a wiki I would make the topic about art. The wiki would be about teaching people how to use different mediums.
2)The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1.If I were to create a wiki,it would be reviews for books that I read. 2.The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1.If I created a wiki, it would be about how we protect animals from our planet and how to prevent extinct it.
2.The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
Excellent work! I am very impressed with the responses so far, as well as how timely everyone has completed this assignment.
Now we need to get the rest of the 5th grade to finish this assignment...
If I were to create a wiki, it would be about Fossils.
The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
Essein Davis said...
1.The wiki I would have created would be about vampires because I love vampires.
2.The first wiki software was Portland Pattern Repository in year 1995.
Dereck R. said:
1) If I was to create a wiki it would be about my school. I would provide information for parents and students about upcoming events.
2) The first wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1.If I were to create a wiki,it would be about animals and the owners who love them.
2.The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1.If I were to create a wiki it would be about puppies because they are so cute and that would be my topic.
2.The first wiki ever created was for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1)If I were to create a wiki it would be about sports,it would be about how to play sports.
2)The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1. If I created a wiki, it would be about important events that happened at my school.
2. The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1)If I were to create or participate in a wiki,it would be about action, participation war games and the topic would Elite Troope Battle To Save The World!
2) The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
1.If I was to create a wiki,it would be about drawing.It would be on information on how to draw.
2.The first wiki was wikiwikiweb.It was made in 1994 by Ward Cunningham.
1)If I were to create or participate in a wiki,it would be about gaming and my topic would be how to master your gaming skills.
2)The first wiki was created in 1995 for the Portland Pattern Repository.
If I were to have a wiki itwhould be onb natural disasster.the first wiki to be created was in 1995
Jose Perez
#1.If I were to create a wiki it would be about soccer because I like playing soccer and watching socer.
#2.The very first wiki was created in 1994 for thePotland Pattern Repository.
November 30, 2009 6:28 p.m
If I created a wiki it would be about wheel chairs because I people know what being in a wheelchair and the first was created in1995
If I was to create a Wiki it would be on how to get help for kids like me who needs help with school work, (reading, math, etc)
The very fist wiki was created by Howard G. Cunningham he started programming the software on 1994 and on March 25, 1995 he did it as a add on to the Portland Pattern Respository.
The first wiki was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995. If I made a wiki it would be it would be about my family and what they do.
Brandon Flores...said...
1. If I were to create a wiki it would be about important dates.
2. The first wiki was invented in 1995 by Ward Cunningham.
Elijah J
1.If I were to create or participate in a wiki,the topic would be drawing drawing.The wiki would be information on how to draw superheroes.
2. The first ever wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Respository in 1995.
Brandon F.
1. If I were to make a wiki it would be about important dates.
2. The first wiki invented was in 1995 by Howard G. Cunningham.
Brandon F said...
1. If I were tomake or participate in awiki it would be about important dates.
2. The first wiki was invented in 1995 by Howard G. Cunningham.
1.If I created or participated in a Wiki it would be about the myths and movies about vampires.
2.The first Wiki site was created for the Portland Pattern Repository in 1995.
1) If I made a wiki it would be about reading
2) A wiki was first made in 1995, for the Portland Pattern Respository.
1.If I were to create a wiki it would be about politics about our first African American President.
2. wiki is a piece of software which allows you to freely create and edit the contents of a web page using a web browser wiki was invented in 1995 by PortLand Pattern Repository.
1.The first wiki was invented in 1995 by Portland Pattern.
2.If I were to creat a wiki it will be about Mexico's delious food.
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