Below are a few videos about how some Olympians compete in their sports...
(for more videos check out the website NBC Learn)
Choose one of the videos to watch. After you watch it, post a comment about what you learned. Is it a sport you might want to try? Does seeing the video make it easier to understand how the athletes compete? Has your idea of the Olympics and the athletes changed since watching the video?
These are a few questions to get you thinking. Pick a video, watch it, and post a comment on your thoughts related to what you saw, heard, and learned...
Downhill Science (Alpine skiing):
Air Lift (Ski Jump):
The science of Snowboarding:
Figure Out Figure Skating:
Your questions:
- Is it a sport you might want to try?
- Does seeing the video make it easier to understand how the athletes do the sport?
- Has your idea of the Olympics and the athletes changed since watching the video?
- Any additional thoughts you would like to share?
Please respond in full and complete sentences, paragraph form. Double check your work before posting your comment. Once you post your comment, Mr. Casal will be notified and he will grade and approve your post. Your comment will not appear on the blog until Mr. Casal has read and approved it.
Have a great week off, watch the Olympics, and have fun!
Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL). Please respond in full and complete sentences. Double check your work before posting your comment.