I am out of school at an educational technology conference. I am being a student, learning from other teachers new tools, ideas, and how I can be a better computer teacher. Learning never stops, even if you're a teacher.
You will watch the video below and answer a few questions...
For anyone that has difficulty commenting you can read this post and watch the video and if you still have questions, this post might be helpful too....
People of New York Part II from Rustad Media on Vimeo.
Your questions...
Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.
Your questions...
- The video was mostly shot in Times Square. Time Square is often called the "crossroads of the world." Why do you think that is?
- What was one thing that stood out to you?
- What does it feel like to watch people as they go about their day?
- When the time-lapse portions started, many of those shots were not in Manhattan. Do you know where they were? Did you recognize any of the locations?
- What does watching a video like this make you think about New York?
- Does this video give you any ideas as to why people might love coming here, or living here?
Answer these questions in full and complete detailed sentences (at least one full paragraph) as a comment below...