Monday, October 4, 2010

My after school club...

Right now there are 10 students in my after school club.

What do you, my students, want to accomplish?

What is something you would like to learn how to do?

Is there something specific you already know about but would like to learn more about, or have some help with?

Remember - Comment as "Name/URL" and use your first name and last initial (proper capitalization, no URL)- please respond in full and complete sentences - double check your work before posting your comment.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Homemade spacecraft

This is a video a local father and son made. They wanted to see what space looked like so they create their own spacecraft and set off for the stars.

No, the father and son were not on their homemade spacecraft, they put a video camer on it to record the journey and an iPhone so they could use the cell-GPS to locate the camera when it returned to earth.

If it a great example of the fun, homemade science projects you can create. A little imagination and some help from parents can get you your own images of space. And the trip up and back.

Enjoy the video. For my 3rd-5th graders, does it inspire you in any way for your own Science Fair project?

Homemade Spacecraft from Luke Geissbuhler on Vimeo.